k if Virtual Memory is inactive in order to run this project. k if Virtual Memory is active or k in order to run this project. You need to increase The Digital Chisel's partition to This project was created using a newer version of the Digital Chisel, if you revert it some features may not function properly. Updating project to current version. Select a document to be launched: Select an application to be launched: Select a Sound to import: Select a Movie to import: SmartObjects cannot be modified. A necessary part of this SmartObject has been deleted. The remaining parts will also be deleted. Enter text to be spoken: (requires Speech Manager) Save new Database as: Select a Database to open: Save new Library as: Select a Library to open: Select a Picture to import: Select a Text file to import: Save project as: Save new animation as: Your new password has been saved. Please confirm your new password: This does not match your previous password. Your password has been removed. Confirm your existing password: Select the database to be used: The LaserDisc player is not responding. Must enter frames manually with this player. The QuickTime extension must be installed to play QuickTime movies. Quiz Template objects cannot be modified. The Speech Manager must be installed to use speech. Tell me what to say. Make a selection from the Say What menu. Printing has been cancelled. " before closing? Save changes to project " Revert to last version saved? " has been recovered. The original project file may have been damaged. The temporary backup file " Try deleting unwanted files on this disk. There is not enough space on this disk to edit this project. There is not enough space on this disk. A background with that name already exists. Name your custom background: You have customized this background. Please give it a new name? Give this foreground template a name: This template already exists. Only arcs can be reshaped. Only polygon draw and button objects can be reshaped. Only polygon draw and button objects can be rotated. Only polygon draw or button objects can be smoothed. Only polygon draw or button objects can be flipped. Buttons and fields cannot be grouped. The object(s) could not be copied. You cannot copy items to a locked library. Copy clipboard contents to library This library must be unlocked to be updated. This library cannot be opened from a locked volume. This library was created using a different version of the Digital Chisel. Sorry, this is not a Library document. No path has been assigned for this animation. This path object has too many points. Please select or draw a different path object. Cannot set animation path to follow more than one object. Cannot set animation path without an object to follow. Invalid starting location. Invalid ending location. Unlink this object from Link this object to Do you want to play back your new animation file Do you want to record the full screen or just a defineable portion of the screen? Do you really want to stop having fun with the Digital Chisel? The test results database could not be found. Your test results will not be saved. Save test profile to the database Exporting test data to text file. Saving test profile to test database. Saving test results to test database. Sorry. Your name is not in the test database. This project cannot be run until you enter your name. This database was created using a different version of the Digital Chisel. Sorry, this is not a database document! You must use the correct password to open this database. Sorry, you must use the correct password to access this project. This is not the correct password. Matching templates require at least two matches. Do you really want to skip this question? The question cannot be blank. The correct choice cannot be blank. Cannot run this project until all quiz screens have been answered. Open this project in Author mode to answer questions. Are you sure you want to delete the selected screen(s) ? Delete the objects linked to You must select some text first. This selection is already hot. You cannot delete this field because it contains Hot Links! You cannot cut text from a field that contains Hot Links! You cannot paste text to a field that contains Hot Links! You cannot clear text from a field that contains Hot Links! Cannot paste clipboard contents. Cannot show clipboard contents. Sorry, this is not a Chisel project. This project was created using a different version of the Digital Chisel. This project is locked and cannot be edited. A file with that name is in use. Choose a different name. Quotes may not be included in file names. The database must be opened in Author mode to update it to the current version. This project must be opened in Author mode to update it to the current version. There is no saved place to return to. Enter font size: The linked screen was cut or deleted. Please establish a new link. The autoEvent object has been deleted. The event object has been deleted. Event object is set. Cannot send events to more than one object. Please define an object to send an event to. Select an object on the current screen to send an event to. The correct CD is not in the CD drive. There is no CD in any mounted drive. Insert the CD " question(s) correct for a score of Do you really want to delete this connection? " was not found. Select a project to open: Please enter your password: Please enter your name: That file is in use by another application. You have set up a dangerous event loop! 32-bit memory addressing is turned off. You will not be able to create new libraries or databases. The Digital Chisel is optimized to run in 1-bit (B/W) or 8-bit (256 color) mode. The Digital Chisel must be unlocked to run correctly. There is not enough memory available to import this image. There is not enough memory available. Try deleting some bitmaps or objects. If you close this project now, you may not have enough memory to open it again! Memory has run low! Try deleting some objects (especially pictures) to free up memory. Memory has run low! Delete or shrink your PAINT graphics now to regain memory. Memory has run critically low! All projects will be closed now. Not enough memory to run this project. You will need to allocate more memory for the Digital Chisel.